If you use any additional software such as an ad-blocker, we'd suggest turning those off one at a time in case our site is being blocked in some way. Try disabling any browser add-ons you may have enabled (you do not need to delete them completely), which may resolve the issues you are experiencing. Some browser extensions can interfere with actions performed on. Instructions can be found here:ĭo you have browser add-ons, plug-ins or extensions installed? Have you tried clearing your cache and cookies?Ĭlearing your browser cache and cookies may resolve the issue. If a browser upgrade doesn't solve your issue, you can also try downloading an alternate browser using the links above. Information on, and downloads of, the latest version of your preferred browser can be found at the links below:
If you are unsure of which version you are using, this tool may be able to tell you. Many issues can be resolved by making sure you're using the most recent version of your browser.